2022 Weekly Musings #4

Bella Yang
3 min readOct 24, 2022

1. Enjoyable Moment🤗

This Saturday I with other Chinese students went to a small town, Mooste, where we were planning to visit a manor. When we arrived, we found the visit needed to be booked beforehand, so we entered a store which sold wool products. There we met a lovely and friendly old lady and I loved her energetic smile on her face! Her smile seemed to have magic that made me so excited even if I didn’t do anything but seeing around her store. Just few minutes ago, before getting in that store, I told Rita that I just wanna walk around for a while and go back straight away because it was so cold outside. We took some pictures with her for the memory of this wonderful experience.

2. Photo of the week

Sky, Village and People : )
Where we had our fancy Italian/Estonian cuisine for our late-lunch. It is said the three-fish soup coming with a shot of Vodka is one Estonian tradition.

3. Coolest things I had experienced this week

In another #myadpater biweekly meeting, I saw an Estonian-produced movie, Disco and Atomic War(2009), which was about the life in Estonia during the cold war. The movie depicted the life from humorous, childlike view, making it not so dull. The most impressive scene was that the Soviet Union had also gone through a period where people were inevitably attracted to Western cultures that everyone liked to dance Disco.

After the movie, we talked about the war between Russia and Ukraine, the protections for Ukrainians and the restrictions for Russians, and even the situation between Taiwan and China. I was glad that people were all willing to share their opinions and I thought that is the democratic countries do. I should not see this as granted. Like one said to me, by the time comes, I and our companies will be as much as brave as today’s Ukrainians are to stand out for our rights.

